Wednesday 2 July 2008

New Read- The Thirteenth Tale

I have now finished Touching the Void and have started The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. A book about books, I always love those! Reading has come to a halt though at the moment as last night got a phone call to say my mum was being taken into hospital so it was a midnight dash to where she lives. She is alright thankfully but I am now waiting to find out when I can see her again, can't settle to a book so thought I would sit here and talk random rubbish to try and keep my mind occupied. And now I cannot think of any random rubbish to say :(


Tricia said...

Kelly, I enjoyed The Thirteenth Tale. It was just the right amount of creepy for me. I hope your mum gets better soon!

Kelly said...

Thanks I brought her home this afternoon and she is resting. I am really enjoying The Thirteenth Tale so far but am not that far through it!